Dr. Harshad Mahatme Appendix Surgeon In Nashik
Dr. Harshad Mahatme is the very well known doctor in Nashik with 14 years of experience.
He is proficient in identifying, diagnosing and treating the various health issues and problems related to the medical field.
He has the requisite knowledge and the expertise not just to address a diverse set of health ailments and conditions but also to prevent them. As a trained medical professional, he is also familiar with the latest advancements in the related field of medicine.
Dr. Harshad Mahtme, Appendix Surgeon in Nashik remove the appendix through Surgery which is known as appendectomy.
Appendicitis is the condition that becomes irritated and inflamed. The appendix swells when it becomes blocked by infection, cancer, foreign material or a stool.
Appendicitis is a pain of the appendix, a finger-shaped pouch that protrudes from your colon on the below right side of your stomach.

- Sudden pain that occurs on the right side of the lower abdomen.
- Sudden pain that occurs around your navel and often shifts to your below right abdomen.
- Pain that worsens if you cough, walk or make other shaking movements.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Loss of taste.
- The low-grade temperature that may worsen as the illness progresses.
- Illness or diarrhea.
- Abdominal bloating.
- Flatulence.
The site of your pain may vary, depending on your age and the Stage of your appendix. When you’re pregnant, the pain may appear to come of your upper stomach because your appendix is higher during pregnancy.
When to consult with the doctor,
Make an appointment with an Appendix Surgeon in Nashik, if you have above signs or symptoms.
A blockage in the lining of the appendix that results in infection is the possible cause of appendicitis. The bacteria multiply rapidly causing the appendix to become painful, swollen and filled with pus. If not treated immediately, the appendix can break.
Appendicitis can cause serious complications, such as:
- A ruptured appendix. A break spreads infection throughout your stomach (peritonitis). Maybe life-threatening, this condition requires immediate surgery to remove the appendix and clean your abdominal cavity.
- A sack of pus that forms in the abdomen. If your appendix bursts, it may be developing a pocket of infection. In most of the cases, a surgeon drains the abscess by putting a tube into your abdominal wall into the abscess. The tube is left in place for around two weeks. and you’re given antibiotics to clear the infection.
- Once the infection is cleared, you’ll have surgery to remove the appendix. In some cases, the abscess is drained, and the appendix is removed immediately.
To help diagnose appendicitis, the Appendix Surgeon in Nashik. will possibly take a history of your symptoms and examine your abdomen.
- Physical examination to assess your pain.gentle pressure on the painful area. When the pressure is suddenly released, appendicitis pain will often feel worse, warning that the adjacent peritoneum is burned.
- the doctor may also look for abdominal rigidity and a tendency, for you to harden your abdominal muscles in response to pressure over the inflamed appendix.
- Your physician may use a lubricated, gloved finger to examine your lower rectum. Women of childbearing age may be given a pelvic exam, to check for possible gynecological problems that could be creating the pain.
- Blood test : This allows checking for a high white blood cell count, which may intimate an infection.
- Urine test : We have a urinalysis to make sure that a urinary tract infection or a kidney stone isn’t producing your pain.
- Imaging tests : The abdominal X-ray, an abdominal ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to help verify appendicitis or find other reasons for your pain.
- Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy)
open surgery using one abdominal surgery about 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) long (laparotomy)for the Appendectomy. the surgery can be performed through a few small abdominal incisions (laparoscopic surgery). During a laparoscopic appendectomy, the surgeon injects specialized surgical tools and a video camera into your abdomen to remove your appendix. Overall, laparoscopic surgery allows you to recover faster and improve with less pain and scarring. But laparoscopic surgery isn’t appropriate for everyone. If your appendix has burst and infection has spread beyond the appendix or you have an abscess, then open appendectomy, which allows your surgeon to clean the abdominal cavity.

- Draining an abscess before appendix surgery
If your appendix has burst and an abscess has formed around it, the abscess may be drained by placing a tube into your skin in the abscess. performed several weeks later controlling the infection of Appendectomy.