What is Ovary?
The ovaries are an important part of the female reproductive system. Their job is twofold. They produce the hormones, including estrogen, that trigger menstruation. They also release at least one egg each month for possible fertilization.
A number of different conditions, from cysts to tumors, can cause ovarian pain. The ovaries are located in the lower abdomen. That means if you have ovarian pain, you’ll most likely feel it in your lower abdomen — below your belly button — and pelvis. It’s important to have any pelvic pain checked out by your regular doctor or obstetrician/gynecologist. Several different conditions can cause it.

Pain in the ovaries can either be acute or chronic. Acute ovarian pain comes on quickly (over a few minutes or days) and goes away in a short period of time. Chronic ovarian pain usually starts more gradually. Then it last for several months or longer.
Ovarian pain may be continuous. Or it may come and go. It may get worse with certain activities, such as exercise or urination. It can be so mild that you hardly notice it. Or pain in the ovaries can be so severe that it interferes with daily life.
Causes of breast lumps
1. The female breast consists of different types of tissue. The two main types are milk glands, where milk is made, and milk ducts, or tubes, for milk to pass through to reach the nipple.